19 ways to winterize your condo or co-op

Winter’s here. And you know what that means in New York - sipping on a spiked cider at your favorite neighborhood bars, ice skating in Central Park, avoiding tourists at all costs, and … drumroll please … winterizing your condo or co-op.
To help you with that last one, we’ve pulled together a comprehensive winter checklist to ensure your building stays comfy and cozy during the chilly months. You can download it below!
1. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in common areas and mechanical rooms.
2. Ensure boiler and water heaters are working correctly.
- Start your boiler for a “test run” to make sure pressure system’s running correctly.
- Check for any leaks, cracks, error codes, and weird noises.
- Clean area around boiler.
3. Search for non-insulated and exposed pipes in common areas and mechanical rooms.
4. Check fire pumps.
5. Check radiators for leaks and drafts, and replace valves if necessary.
6. Check roof to ensure it can withstand winter storms.
7. Have a good amount of salt stored in case of storms. While you’re at it, check your salt spreaders are working correctly.
8. Have emergency supplies on hand (check out Judy’s must-have kits).
9. Ensure you have ample weather runner mats for all common areas.
10. Ensure all snow shovels are in top shape.
11. For those with snowblowers, be sure to start/tune them up.
- Check motor, tires, and blades.
- If gas-powered, change oil, properly lubricate all moving parts, and have gas on hand.
- Unfortunately, gas snowblowers create quite a bit of air and noise pollution. For those looking for a more eco-friendly option, check out electric snowblowers or stick to your trusted snow shovels.
Cleaning and installation
12. Fireplaces? In NYC? Well, aren't you lucky! Avoid unwanted fires by sweeping and cleaning fireplaces and chimneys.
13. Install weather stripping on doors and windows where possible.
14. Clean out storm drains to avoid flooding and help keep our waterways clean.
15. If applicable, cover AC units.
System changeovers
16. Switch your building over to heat.
17. Schedule switchover for water towers.
Resident notifications
18. Tell residents when switching your building to heat.
19. Are there units with fans? Let residents know to reverse ceiling fans to move heat better and potentially reduce energy consumption!
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